TRAVEL part 1

 So me and my mom, brother, and sister are all going to Colorado and I thought I would do a three piece blog for your next adventure!! The first section I will have some resources, packing list, etc., the second I will show you the process of packing light (basically what I am bringing), and how I fit it into my medium size suitcase, and the third I will show you what I pack in my carry on. lets get started!!

So the first rescores is a packing list from I love her ultimate packing checklist and her ideal weekly planner, on the checklist there is some things you my not need or want but if you want to pack light the key is to x out things you don't want.

You can always go on pintrest for any packing advice, here is my personal list:

               How to pack light…


-       5-6 shirts

-       2-3 shorts/pants

-       1-2 dresses/rompers/skirts

-       4-5 bras

-       Any or all underwear  

-       2-3 socks

-       1-2 pj bottoms

-       1-2 pj tops

-       1-2 swimsuit sets (for a spring or summer vacation 4-5 suits is better)

-       2-3 pairs of shoes (workout shoes, sandals or cute boots, and a optional pair)

-       2-3 sweaters/ jackets/ flannels

-       1-2 purses or bags (one of which you will carry on the plane)

-       5-6 accessories












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