
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Very Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. why is it good? well because Jesus CARED and THOUGHT about each one of us and realized that no matter how far we ran from him we would always need him and what he did dying for us on the cross that is the true meaning of easter. in the Bible it says:  45  From noon until three in the afternoon darkness  came over all the land.   46  About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice,  “Eli, Eli, [ a ]   lema sabachthani?”  (which means  “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" the lord of all cried out "my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?"                                                                         for·sak·en                                                                    /fərˈsākən/                                                              abandoned or deserted. 50  And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. the lord and god of all

Stop and smell the flowers!!

The world around us is very quick paced and we need to stop and smell the flowers... It’s Wednesday and although we are one day late let’s pretend that it’s Tuesday and you know what that means... #devtalktuesday!!! So what I mean about “stopping and smelling the flowers” is that when we are hurrying to our next thing we sometimes miss the most important thing and besides, if we rush to hard we miss what God could be trying to tell us and and we have to believe that when we stop we can take the time to “smell the flowers” because His love is strong enough for us and we will get what needs to be done in time with God!! When we cast our cares on Him we can be calm and take time to enjoy life without rushing to the next thing. I always have had a fear of missing out, I am not afraid of heights or small spaces but I am always afraid that I will miss out on something while I am gone. Now I can take 30 second showers (not joking) because I feel like if I don’t hurry I will miss out