new and notable

alright yall, its other tipical favorite things post brought to you by Deveraux, I bring you new & notable a couple of my favorite things... 

okay so this first one is stickers, lately, I have been loving decorating ANY area 
with stickers, I really think it adds so so much to any space.

okay so this next one is limes, our lime tree is in full bloom, and we have made limeade, added lime to anything and everything and had lots of lime water the past couple of days, I am loving it.
okay, so this journal is such a cool one, love love, love, it!!
  I believe it is from amazon and great for writers!!
I could go on and on, this shampoo and conditioner is my life!!!!!!!
I really love this fake plant, I just think it is a super fun thing to add to any room, love love love!!!

all right, what a fun post, if you want a more expanded version of my fav things, listen to the newest hello dear podcast episode... where we expand...



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