
Showing posts from June, 2019

my podcasts!

okay yall, i have tried THREE times to get a podcast up and running because I guess I just really, really, wanted to and as they say, the third times a charm because at this third time me and my friend started a podcast all of the links will be down below but first I just want to say that this podcast journey has been in a lot of moments really hard, with blogging or social media whatever it might be you definitely don't see everything, everyone's side of the story, all the details, I am gonna get real with you for a sec,  Realizing that I can loosen up and enjoy the moment when recording podcast episodes was a big “ah -ha” for me this past school year.  I also realized I would do it for fun no matter how many followers.  I had an expectation in my head for a lot of followers and getting so many responses in our polls that we couldn’t even read them all.  Even though I only got a few responses, I wouldn’t have expected those people to respond.  I realized it’s okay to have fun