Advent: peace

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we're backkkkkkkk

peace; in the mundane something quiet (see what i did there) quite hard to accomplish...

Peace- freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility

Quiet- making little or no noise

Even with opportunities to take quiet and peaceful moments we either don't and move on to the next thing or we do stop what we are doing but plan the next thing. There is no escaping the future but there is pausing, waiting, and trusting that time will stop long enough for us to take a tiny breather and quiet moment. I find it quite hard to sit, journal, and wait, but all to fast I can read, plan, or even just write so if you have a hard time pausing and being quiet you are not alone. I looked up "how to be quiet" on google search when writing this post, in hopes of a good addition to the blog, and a good addition did I find...

How do you stay silent forever?

How do you make annoying people be quiet?

How do I make everyone be quiet?

Well... this was not exactly what I was expecting but as it is advent and the Christmas story has Herod, and the innkeeper, and people who just DIDN'T WANT JESUS we will focus on them instead. 

How do I make everyone be quiet?

Boy isn't this exactly what Herod wanted, no noise from the world,  everyone to be quiet about this new king that was being born in Bethlehem, so he could use the silence to think about himself... do you see yourself in Herod wanting to think about your problems, your stuff, and even yourself? 

How do you make annoying people be quiet?

Can you just see it a man woken up in the middle of the night, stepping over cots in a robe and bedroom slippers, finishing his walk down the hallway rubbing his eyes, opening the door and shining a light to see the face of a teen girl carrying a baby and a too tired man who looked like he had just run a marathon, they probably pleaded, hoped, asked for some simple peace from the outside world, "just for 1 night" they said. Oh freedom from disturbance is what this innkeeper needed right now, he thought but he new a pregnant woman would need a bed and he just couldn't wake his guest up, his bed was simply the only option but how he wanted to walk over those cots again, to go back to sleep, to make those annoying people be quiet. He couldn't make himself to let that teen girl and too tired man into his inn, so he pointed them to a stable and closed the door on the most important baby ever born, have you ever closed the door on Jesus?

How do you stay silent forever?

Do you ever ask yourself this question, to silence yourself from the Jesus that keeps knocking on your door, even Christians every day silence themselves not only from Jesus but from themselves  we understand there is a nagging in pour heart to let him in but a lot of times it takes shifting our schedule to fit him in, something that especially i n this holiday season you don't want to do. 

So i encourage you this season to take a pause to hold off for a little while and focus on him, let him into your heart and mind instead of the next plan you need to make, and i'll do it to.


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