
Showing posts from January, 2018

How to find PEACE + QUIET in THIS season wherever you are!

THIS SEASON  There is a picture it is me with a suitcase getting ready to board a plane and it marks a lot of my life I do not mean I am always traveling I mean I am always waiting or wishing that I am traveling or I wish I lived somewhere else or wish that I went to public school. there is a joy in homeschooling you get to wake up slowly and not worry about being late for school you don't have to raise your hand to ask a question and you can mostly learn at your own pace, but you do not get to wake up and get dressed and go to a building and eat lunch with friends, and then come home to snacks on the table and your mom waiting to see your work, because in homeschooling you rarely leave you can always get snacks and your mom already knows what you have done that day because she did it with you. why I am always waiting for TRAVEL TIME I do not know exactly I often feel like I live in a place that everyone wants to travel to but yet half of the time I don't enjoy it. last


Hey ya'll so today I decided to post a winter-what-you-need otherwise known as w-w-y-n some things you may already have and others you may need to get, if you feel it is necessary.  There are five categories which combine into the word SNOWS.  So the first letter is S which means Soup+Such. There are three food and drink items, pasta, hot coco, and of course SOUP!  N needs neutrals or decor again as you feel necessary.  O means OCTIVATES I mean its okay to make up words right? Anyway activities good music, fun board games, and interesting books. W is warm stuff, so lets get warm with cozy socks long sweaters and a big huge fuzzy blanket.  And last but not least S stands for SNOW! 

January favorite books!

Okay so today I decided to share with you one of my favorite series " The Little House" series, my mom loves these too and so she encouraged me to re-read them and of course I said YES, so I have already read "Little House in the Big Woods" and "Little House on the Prairie" which are both sooo good so I just wanted to tell you to READ THESE BOOKS!

How to find PEACE + QUIET in the Season

So today I decided to do a part two of how to find peace and quiet in the season, why I think it is important to find peace and quiet is because then you will get drowned in everything you are facing if we just live in the future and go crazy with lives and plans and never get those peaceful and quiet moments then nothing thoughtful will happen, and everything we have inside will get built up on noise and crazy UNpeaceful events. You need to be in the quiet and have peace to listen to your heart, soul, and mind. Just some thoughts!

What IS New

What IS New  We sometimes wonder What IS New or When IS New it is complicated to find change. It doesn't always come to us we have to decide when it is best to change and when it is best to look back if we keep moving forward and never listen to our past then we will lose our most valuable lessons. Any time you learn something in life that could be useful again if in the next day or in a decade, you have to store it, write it down or keep it in your mind it does not matter, what matters is if we hold on to it and if we look back on it. If we lose sight on those moments then we will always be re-learning every lesson and we will never get better in life. DO NOT LOSE SIGHT, IT IS OKAY TO CHANGE! 

How to find PEACE + QUIET in the season

Peace and quiet are not complicated in fact, the definitions of both are simple... Peace- freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility Quiet- making little or no noise And yet even with opportunities to take quiet and peaceful moments we either don't and move on to the next thing or we do but plan the next thing. There is no escaping the future but there is pausing, waiting, and trusting that time will stop long enough for us to take a tiny breather, and quiet moment. So we have the definition, we have the time, and we have the opportunities to pause and be quiet, so let's do it... YOU DID IT! you paused, you were quiet, you ARE quiet, but now what? I find it quite hard to sit, journal, and wait, but all too fast I can read, plan, or even just write, so if you have a hard time pausing and being quiet you are not alone. I looked up "how to pause" on google search when writing this post, I was hoping it would be this pretty blog that I could cut and paste