How to find PEACE + QUIET in the season

Peace and quiet are not complicated in fact, the definitions of both are simple...

Peace- freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility

Quiet- making little or no noise

And yet even with opportunities to take quiet and peaceful moments we either don't and move on to the next thing or we do but plan the next thing. There is no escaping the future but there is pausing, waiting, and trusting that time will stop long enough for us to take a tiny breather, and quiet moment. So we have the definition, we have the time, and we have the opportunities to pause and be quiet, so let's do it...

YOU DID IT! you paused, you were quiet, you ARE quiet, but now what?

I find it quite hard to sit, journal, and wait, but all too fast I can read, plan, or even just write, so if you have a hard time pausing and being quiet you are not alone. I looked up "how to pause" on google search when writing this post, I was hoping it would be this pretty blog that I could cut and paste from but no there was just a few simple questions

How do you pause a printer?

Can you pause a windows update?

How do I pause Google Ad words?

Can you pause an upload on youtube?

How did google search know exactly what I needed? this is what we need to do maybe you have had a hard day maybe you have had a good day but when you pause you need to pause whatever you are doing maybe you are trying to write a email and you say "I am going to go pause" but after seconds of silence the screen comes back on. It may not be a printer or a upload on youtube that you are trying to pause but whatever it is pausing and being quiet won't work if you are really busy. I have said a lot so I am going to leave you with this "How can I pause today?"


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