
Showing posts from May, 2019

a summer what you need

hey y'all, its summer!!!!! its Friday the last day of school and i am feeling free which is why i decided to post... a s-w-y-n sound familiar? a summer what YOU need so yes without further ado, enjoy. Sun... its kind of obvious... Understandable sandals, i mean... Notable sunscreen, to keep you from being like a lobster... Numerous flowers, no words what a flower does to you... Yummy Popsicles, nothing says summer like Popsicles... joy, deveraux πŸ•ŠπŸŒΏπŸŒž

a spring what you need

alright so today i am coming at you with a spring what you need also known as s-w-y-n, i also did a winter what you need a while back so you can check that out to, but today i am going to be sharing seven absolute necessities for spring starting with each letter that goes into the word flowers  so enjoy, F low or flowy for a flowy dress or skirt a essential for cute looks in the spring... L emonade, i mean come on... O cean, whether you live by the ocean or its a spring break trip its pretty obvious why that's a necessity W ind, just one more season of cool weather you plead if you live in Maui as you see wind is a must... E very good song you can think of, you got to have that spring playlist... R ead, or a good read, whether you live where its cold and you get to snuggle up and read or if you live where its warm and you get to read under the sun either way its a must... S wimsuit for all those times you need to hit the water... joy, Deveraux πŸŒΏπŸ•Š


For, this is the moment in which we have been created, crea ted,  bringing (something) into existence . when we bring good into our lives we are creating good and that should be our goal always. when I woke up this morning I wasn't feeling inspired to do anything except be lazy and if I am being honest join my three-year-old sis on the couch to watch barbie... I know I know. but as with everything in life whether you wake up to go to work in a day or go to school or whatever you do I do believe that if the God who made a VOID of infante blackness become what our wonderful world is today, well I think he can help you create a masterpiece because you are a masterpiece and he is the god to which heaven and nature sing.

a update...

I am back, whoop whoop, since it has been so ridiculously long I decided to give yall a little update, on how I have been, what I have been doing, and a couple little hints on exciting things in the work so with out further ado here we go... alright   we are going to start right of the bat talking about one of the most exciting things in the works for me and one of my good friends, we are gearing up to launch our very own  podcast  absolutely crazy, we are trucking along as fast as we can go but we are still trying to quicken up the pace, but you can check us out at our website under  and at our Instagram under  hello, dear podcast  and of course as soon as everything else is set up you all will be the first to know!!! I am going to pause on my actual life for a sec to talk about my favorite  books  right now, currently, I am loving your own beautiful  by Chelsea Crockett, also I am loving reading through the Enola homes mystery series  which

//about me//

alright y'all I am back to give you a little update here, if you are new to the fam then this is who I am. My name is Deveraux Gallagher. I  live in Maui, Hawaii with m parents and my two younger siblings. I love to bake, cook, shop or thrift, go exploring in nature, hang out with friends, take photos, laugh, podcast and have a good time! so I mentioned podcast right well a podcast with one of my good friends is in the works!!! but it takes some time and we want what we give you to be quality content so we are taking baby steps. I am so so happy you decided to check me out and I hope that you find joy here!!