
Showing posts from September, 2019

intentionality pt.1

Hey guys welcome to the first post on this fun series. I am not sure how long this is going to go, there is probably an end to this somewhere, but it could go past fall into winter, or even further. because truth be told you need intentionality all the time. so lets get started, okay the first intentionality post is going to be pumpkin cookies, honestly the best thing ever!! I got these pumpkin cookies off of  @kristinmadeinc  and they are too good not to share, For Cookies: Preheat oven to 350 f. Mix butter until light and fluffy. Add sugar until combined. Mix in  spices (& baking powder & soda). Add egg and vanilla into sugar mixture. Slowly incorporate pumpkin. Add in flour mixing until all incorporated. Place onto cookie sheet in large globs.  Bake in oven for 10 to 12 minutes. Cool. Then transfer to wire rack and frost finished cookies. 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar  1 teas. baking powder  1 teas. baking soda 1/2 teas. salt  1 teas. cinnamon  1 teas. nutme

fresh spaces for a new season

Fall will be upon us in two days and I am so excited for all those fall feels but I am also excited for a couple new things I hope to do in this space, I am hoping to start two new series (my first ones) here on the blog, "Stories" where I will (hopefully) be highlighting eight people in their stories, and "Intentionality" which will just be once a week where I maybe will share new recipes, room decor, products, thoughts, or moments that are intentional for me and you. This isn't the only space I hope to make fresh, being intentional I have made a fresh space in my dot journal, in my room, and in other places that I will be sharing with you today. Almost as if you are tearing off a page in your to do list for the past season you can write a new one for now. This year for my dot/bullet journal I choose the theme of pumpkins, new growth for a new season if you will. I also incorporated cursive to represent the delicacies of life. I did a simple line calendar t

A Autumn What You Need

hey guys, I am back with a new post!! Fall is quickly approching and I am honestly so so happy because I love fall!! So in the past I have done a  Winter What You Need  a  Spring What You Need  and a Summer What You Need  ... And now it is time for an a-w-y-n otherwise know as an autumn-what-you-need, so I will be using the word autumn to tell you some things you should use in fall!! Anddddd here it is....... a mug of delish apple cider u nderstandably the most important nescessity is pumpkins t oo many flannels, sweaters, blankets, and fuzzy things u mmmm obviously lots and lots of candles m ore fall treats, cookies, cakes, and pies, definitely more pies n ot enough good books to read throughout the whole season before you leave I would love for you to send in requests for future fall blog posts... as they have been requested... you can do so in the sidebar. Joy Deveraux 🕊🌿