fresh spaces for a new season

Fall will be upon us in two days and I am so excited for all those fall feels but I am also excited for a couple new things I hope to do in this space, I am hoping to start two new series (my first ones) here on the blog, "Stories" where I will (hopefully) be highlighting eight people in their stories, and "Intentionality" which will just be once a week where I maybe will share new recipes, room decor, products, thoughts, or moments that are intentional for me and you.

This isn't the only space I hope to make fresh, being intentional I have made a fresh space in my dot journal, in my room, and in other places that I will be sharing with you today.

Almost as if you are tearing off a page in your to do list for the past season you can write a new one for now. This year for my dot/bullet journal I choose the theme of pumpkins, new growth for a new season if you will. I also incorporated cursive to represent the delicacies of life. I did a simple line calendar to write my days. I then did a fun artsy quote, reminding myself that its good to have fun, my markers love to bleed but i actually like how it turned out. then I did my 2019 fall bucket list, just reading a whole buch of different ones and choosing my faves (or the ones that apply to me) I than coppied them down I love the simplicity and yet complexity of this spread, defiantly one I hope to use in the future.

Making intentional spaces in my room, incorporating the pumpkin theme was super important to me. Incorporating nature’s bounty in this season when all of nature has been saving its last breadth for this moment and then suddenly our world is alive, and then winter approaches and our world let’s dead things go. So for this season I incorporated pumpkins, records, books, plants, and candles, to make a fall feeling.

Some of my favorite things, my Francesca earrings, a simple rose gold diamond mix make a very good fall feeling, my love and beauty and planet deodorantt, just overall in love. My eos Crystal lip balm, all those dry lips are gone ASAP with this one.

  I love buying new books for this new fall season, because one of my favorite things to do in the fall is read in the bath. The haunted lagoon, just another mystery. My to do list, TJ Maxx... love. My notebook with the polkadots, and new find from T.J. Maxx again. And my 0huhu pens, so nice although they bleed a bit.

 I couldn’t leave without sharing my three favorite teas for the fall, spiced chai from Trader Joe’s, just such a good tea with some pumpkin spice creamer and brown sugar, some organic spiced chai from simply balance (the target brand), good, again with pumpkin spice creamer. And then my rooibos  and honeybush tea, it’s caffeine free from Trader Joe’s which makes it good for when you want some fall tea at night.


I have finally finished my fall, intentionality, post. And I hope you enjoyed me talking about my fresh start for the new season, I just want to say that not everything has to be intentional and part of why I decided to add a fun “hey there pumpkin” quote in my dot journal was because that maybe that wasn’t my initial plan but I love that quote and it’s wasn’t intentional, I just wanted to share that to remind you to enjoy this fall season however it goes even if it’s not what you were expecting, even if it’s not so intentional. So yeah I hope you enjoyed my post and if you know anyone or if you would like to share your story in my stories series go to my “Deveraux contributor page” and let me know and if you have any fall post ideas let me know in my ideas column as well. 
Joy & Happy Fall,
Deveraux 🌿🕊


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