intentionality pt.4

hello, welcome back... happy wednessday! today i decided to share with you my morning routine, i belive that no one can have a strict "morning routine" or secdule but i do belive that you can have a order of some sort, and that could come in the way of being intentional about how you spend your morning. a couple of things i like to implmete is making my bed, checking all my planners and things, and have a quiet time. being intentional can just mean selecting those special things each day that make up your routine and then being able to live with the fact that the rest might not get done. if you have watched my most resent post where i share with you my updated carry on travel guide i made a video and posted it to youtube and then i share the link... so that is what i am going to be doing now, Here is the link to my school morning routine!!

*let me know in the requests section of this blog if you would like me to do a weekend morning routine...

hope you enjoyed my morning routine...


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