
Showing posts from 2018

advent: joy

Advent What is joy... joy /joi/ noun a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. " tears of joy " synonyms: delight ,   great pleasure,   joyfulness,   jubilation ,   triumph ,   exultation ,   rejoicing ,   happiness ,   gladness,   glee ,   exhilaration ,   exuberance ,   elation ,   euphoria ,   bliss ,   ecstasy ,   rapture ... verb LITERARY rejoice. So if it is supposed to be a feeling of great pleasure and happiness then why does being joyful  often  feel like work or why does it feel that when we have a truly joyful moment they feel few and far  between...    "Why is joy so important"   "The  importance  of  joy is  laughter,and play which stimulate the release of feel good hormones in our body. It shuts down cortisol, adrenaline, and other health deteriorating processes in the body. Our body can't heal when it's in a state of stress

advent: peace

Advent Week two we are asked to think about peace I also wanted to talk about quiet as well, so first I would tell you the definition of peace and quiet... Peace- freedom from disturbance ; quiet and tranquility Quiet- making little or no noise And yet even with opportunities to take quiet and peaceful moments we either don't and move on to the next thing or we do stop what we are doing but plan the next thing. There is no escaping the future but there is pausing, waiting, and trusting that time will stop long enough for us to take a tiny breather and quiet moment. I find it quite hard to sit, journal, and wait, but all to fast I can read, plan, or even just write so if you have a hard time pausing and being quiet you are not alone. I looked up "how to be quiet" on google search when writing this post, in hopes of a good addition to the blog, and a good addition did I find... How do you stay silent forever? How do you make annoying people be quiet?

advent: love

Advent love, what is love, love is patience, love is being caring, love is kind, and yet in any season it can be hard to reach which is why we look forward to the Christmas season where all signs point toward loving those around you, so we need to take all the signs and point toward love!! I am very sorry, the Christmas season got swiped away from me and so I was only able to to a short last post today...

advent: hope

Advent Hope... we need hope, the Shepherds in the fields needed hope when faced by a thousand shining angels, Mary needed hope... hoping to get back to her family for the celebration of her newborn son, Joseph needed hope when faced with a very tough decision to marry a teen who was to have possibly the most important baby that ever lived or to say no to God. We need hope this world that we live in is a messy tangled bunch of land and ocean and when all hope is lost, well, we need to look to God. But unfortunately most of the time we chose not to, because school is demanding, work is tiring, or a friend is really hard to deal with, and as soon as we finish that paper, send that email, or text that friend one more time to say that we are busy, then we say we will pray, but then when everything is done, we get tired or it doesn't feel right anymore and we don't pray, we sin everyday all day... this is why we look forward to Jesus's birth when he comes and saves us and

advent: prepare

Advent I am thrilled with Christmas… let the angels sing, the more people the merrier, the more parties the better, the calendar with three plans on it well put it in the trash, the planner with more then ten parties sure I’ll keep it but I expect more plans next year, let the jingle bells ring, the sleigh bells sing, I forget traffic, holiday lines, stress, and everything else and I just wrap myself up in the glory that is Christmas! But the thrill of first putting up decorations and first getting out the tree, sad to say will end, in a matter of time seeing the Christmas tree will be well normal the advent calendars, eggnog, and everything else just won’t feel the same, won’t have the same thrill, will become the norm… which is why we need something else to prepare for, to turn our hearts toward, to open up the calendars and dedicate time to listening, enjoying, praying, reading, praising, thanking, and most of all waiting for Jesus to come again. I looked up the definition o

the Boston tea party; learning something new

The Boston Tea Party December 16th 1773 When I threw the fake tea I felt patriotic and I imagined the early Americans felt the same. When we were at the Boston Tea Party Ships And  Museum I learned a lot that I want to share, so lets began.  The Boston Tea Party started with the British who were putting taxes on  Americans tea, and these teas were even the oldest and worst of the lot!! Do you like tea? I do and I wouldn’t want tax on the worst of the lot.  The early Americans in America wanted to do a giant act, kind of crazy and really big, to show how they felt. So they decided throwing tea into into the harbor would be the best thing.  I can’t imagine how brave they must have been. Now this elusive group limited to about twenty people were “the Sons of Liberty,” any family or friends that wanted to also partake in this dangerous and criminal act. Would you partake? I think it would be hard to know if you would be safe after you threw the tea in the harbor beca

the Empire State building; a perspective

The empire state building  looking out from the top of the empire state building you get a very different feel then from the streets of New York. that feeling is perspective when you are eighty-six floors up you have a pretty high view, watching the clouds swirl around and watching the city below me was a perspective I had never had before, I felt a little bit like how god probably feels so high up and just taking everything in. I recall a highlight was recognizing the different buildings in Manhattan was looking down at a colorful ball and realize that is the ball drop was expecting it made me feel so close to something I watch on tv.  I have this picture where the city is just sweeping out from below me, while  the sky is just a brilliant blue, I felt like I was the empire which is ironic since I was in the Empire State, New York, in the empire state building. seeing the different views or perspectives was important to me, I captured this one photo in one of my many times around

Understanding; looking UNDER the words

U N D E R S T A N D I N G A interesting thought came to mind when I decided to write this post the three definitions below are leaving out one other definition...  Understanding means:  1 the ability to understand something; comprehension. 2 sympathetically aware of other people's feelings; tolerant and forgiving 3 having insight or good judgment UNDER STANDING  This is another way to group the word when you are trying to understand someones feelings is it possible that you need to look under the feelings? I think a lot of the time I don't want to have to explain my feelings or lay out my heart so to speak and my goal is to just give key words and then you get to puzzle it out.But maybe if I explain a little more then the other person can learn to look under the words and into the heart...

My Favorite Books

Today I decided to just do a short post telling you all my favorite books... Nancy Drew  by Carolyn Keene The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe  by C.S. Lewis  The Worry Week  by Anne Lindbrgh Betsy In Spite Of Herself   & Carneys House Party  by Maud Heart Lovelace  All Of A Kind Family &  More All Of A Kind Family  by Sydney Taylor


I have always loved looking at peoples rooms so i  thought I would show you mine!! THE END


We all have our favorite products and I thought it would be fun to share mine. A while back I did my favorite shower products so you can check that out to. ENJOY!!!


I AM… EXOUDUS 3 11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” 12 And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” 13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”14 He says “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.” “When God calls you, He’s already considered who you are, and He’s still calling you—not because of who you are but because of who He is. In your weakness, He is your strength.” “There are two things you are. You can’t change it; it’s simply who you are, you are a child, and you are loved. Period. Can’t change it. Didn’t do anything to earn it. It’s just who you are because a good,


 SHE makes messes she's cute she loves her dad, mom,reeree-me,and baba- my brother and she's a star in our family and others she is perfect