
Showing posts from 2019

Advent: peace

Advent we're backkkkkkkk peace; in the mundane something quiet (see what i did there) quite hard to accomplish... Peace-  freedom from disturbance ; quiet and tranquility Quiet- making little or  no noise Even with opportunities to take quiet and peaceful moments we either don't and move on to the next thing or we do stop what we are doing but plan the next thing. There is no escaping the future but there is pausing, waiting, and trusting that time will stop long enough for us to take a tiny breather and quiet moment. I find it quite hard to sit, journal, and wait, but all to fast I can read, plan, or even just write so if you have a hard time pausing and being quiet you are not alone. I looked up "how to be quiet" on google search when writing this post, in hopes of a good addition to the blog, and a good addition did I find... How do you stay silent forever? How do you make annoying people be quiet? How do I make everyone be quiet?

Advent: hope

Advent Advent... we are here again; week one is  Hope... we need hope, the Shepherds in the fields needed hope when faced by a thousand shining angels, Mary needed hope... hoping to get back to her family for the celebration of her newborn son, Joseph needed hope when faced with a very tough decision to marry a teen who was to have possibly the most important baby that ever lived or to say no to God.  We need hope this world that we live in is a messy tangled bunch of land and ocean and when all hope is lost, well, we need to look to God. But unfortunately most of the time we chose not to, because school is demanding, work is tiring, or a friend is really hard to deal with, and as soon as we finish that paper, send that email, or text that friend one more time to say that we are busy, then we say we will pray, but then when everything is done, we get tired or it doesn't feel right anymore and we don't pray, we sin everyday all day... this is why we look forward to Jes

advent; coming in the mundane

Advent Well were back at it again, somehow, and i am thrilled to be here, its almost as if we continue on our intentionality series and yet its also different, its advent! the preface of the post is waiting, and today i want to focus more on the waiting, the love, joy, peace, and hope in the mundane the everyday busy schedules, and i hope that you enjoy. Now i could day i'm thrilled with Christmas... the parties, the outfits, the food & presents but those things come on the weekends, the ins and outs of everyday don't happen all the time and the reflection that you have throughout the week reminds us of how closely intertwined we are to the couple that wandered the streets of Bethlehem and how close we are to the baby born in a stable. Advent although a Christmas activity does not stop there, it doesn't end when the decorations come down or the tree is discarded it continues forever. Advent means coming, coming means (simply put)  due to happen or just beginning.

intentionality pt.8

Today I am coming at you with the long-awaited room decor post... so on Wednesday, I did a post talking about "kintsugi" ( check it out here ), something i had read about in Magnolia Journal and today i plan to do the same... sooooo... I was requested to do a fall room post and so I decided to talk about "wabi-sabi"- finding beauty in the perfectly imperfect and how to implement that into my room... Wabi-Sabi embraces the chaos of everyday happenings and objects we so often try to hide, it encourages us to embrace and show our true colors... humanity. simply put, wabi-sabi finds beauty in the perfectly imperfect and gives us the freedom to do the same. A wabi-sabi room is intimate, simple, and unpretentious. It might mean having books stacked on the floor, mixing the expensive and affordable, or incorporating pieces of furniture passed from generation to generation. Its making space in your room for family photos, wildflowers, and objects that you know and love.

full packing list

Here's the list you can copy and paste & i have some more packing tips down below -2-3 pairs of shoes -1-2 swimsuits (more if going to the beach) -2-3 PJ's -2-3 jackets or sweaters -4-5 pants (shorts, jeans, etc.) -8-9 tops (under tanks, short-sleeved, log-sleeved etc.) -2 dressy items (dresses, rompers, skirts, etc.) -4-5 bras -underwear (i like to bring all my underwear, personal preference) -toiletries -hairbrush  -hair ties -dry shampoo -leave in conditioner -face wash -shampoo & conditioner (depending on where you are going) -tooth brush & toothpaste -deodorant (if you decided not to bring it in your carry on) - razor & shaving cream -jewelry (limit your pieces) A couple of tips... -I like to have about ten outfits so even if i write out those ten for example: outfit 1:  -trench coat -Oregon duck shirt -black leggings  -I do this only to have a grid for what i need to pack and also if i need to have more versatile pieces in my

intentionality pt.7

Woohoo, part 7 guys!! I am so glad you're still following along, a couple days ago I did my fall morning routine and I thought why not continue on... so as I have said before I believe that you can be intentional with your night. How i like to do that is implementing certain things, having a good dinner, brushing teeth, or taking a moment to yourself whether that's taking a bath, watching a show, or reading. The night this was filmed my mom was doing her bible study so I had to stay hidden (😣😝) but, I did end up having a good fall filled night, so here  is the link for my fall school night routine and if you want a weekend one or another routine or how I implement a routine into my life then... hit me up... joy, deveraux 🌿🕊

intentionality pt.6

Hello everyone... today for intentionality pt.6 I decided to share with you some eating healthy tips, please let me know if you have any suggestions, concerns or post ideas, check out past installments of the series and please enjoy this post. Eating healthy, it always feels fun to start but then suddenly... when you go to parties, stores, well let's just say there are cakes and cookies EVERYWHERE... so how can you manage to diet and still splurge every once and a while. I was recently listening to what we said podcast  episode (i know, I love them) and they interviewed Alex from " eat cute " the episode was so insightful. Today for intentionallity pt.6 (yahoo) I would talk about how to be an "intentional eater." All right, cakes, cookies, and pies, those things are not bad but if you are trying to do any diet, you are probably trying to watch your sugar intake, right. Well if so then i hear you, society tells us we have to look, act, and eat a certian way.

intentionality pt.5

today is Wednesday the 23rd. yesterday less then a mile from our house a fire shot up. lives, houses, and everything was endangered. I didn't know if I would see my stuff again. there is an impact knowing that a fatal moment could change EVERYTHING! fires have sprung up around Maui recently and I have been worried for the people affected but I hate to say this the phrase "at least it wasn't me" goes through mind when those things happen, welcome to human nature peeps... wish it wasn't so alas it is. something crazy happens when you are walking through your room saying what do I want to have, and then letting the rest go to the leaping flames. we are okay. our house is okay. but it just affects you. it's like, will I be sitting around the Christmas tree with our ornaments this year, the Terrible part is you don't know. I just wanted to mark this moment a bit of a journal entry to just say that life happens, you can't live in fear, and everything that fi

intentionality pt.4

hello, welcome back... happy wednessday! today i decided to share with you my morning routine, i belive that no one can have a strict "morning routine" or secdule but i do belive that you can have a order of some sort, and that could come in the way of being intentional about how you spend your morning. a couple of things i like to implmete is making my bed, checking all my planners and things, and have a quiet time. being intentional can just mean selecting those special things each day that make up your routine and then being able to live with the fact that the rest might not get done. if you have watched my most resent post where i share with you  my updated carry on travel guide  i made a video and posted it to youtube and then i share the link... so that is what i am going to be doing now, Here  is the link to my school morning routine!! *let me know in the requests section of this blog if you would like me to do a weekend morning routine... hope you enjoyed my mor

my updated carry-on travel guide

hi guys, so today I am going to be taking a bit of a break from our intentionality series to do a post I have been meaning to do for a while now, which is traveling!!!! Okay, my  last carry-on post  was ROUGH... so for your pleasure i decided to do a new and improved one, because as i grow older and more mature and as i take more trips I have developed what I like to bring more fully, so I decided to redo all my travel posts, currently my full suitcase post is underway... but HERE  is my completed carry-on travel video... So i am going to take you through a couple of things and then you can access the full list HERE , first off i like to bring a extra comfy outfit just in case something happened to my suitcase. Along with gum, snacks, and such i like to bring a little tin box of ibuprofen, sleep gummies, and any other medical items i may need. I do love paperback books, but now when traveling i have a few of my favorites to read while i am on a trip, especially because i love

full carry-on list...

here is the full Carry-on list that you can copy & paste to print out... -a backpack & or purse -a empty water bottle -a pillow/neck pillow -a small case- -gum -lip balm -hair ties -hand sanitizer & or wipes -face mask (plane activity) -deodorant  -ibuprofen/sleep gummies/Advil  -another small case- -iPhone charger -iPad charger -in ear headphones -(any other electronical items) -wallet -your larger electronics -snacks -book, in case your entertainment dies -jacket -thick socks -over ear headphones -cough drops (just a couple)

intentionality pt.3

Wow! Pt.3 you guys, I am so happy that we have made it this far into this mess, jk, I truly couldn't be any happier about the response to these posts and I am so grateful to you, so I decided to share another one of my favorite recipes, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins... they are a fall tradition and I actually love them so much I make them in spring and summer too. So... enjoy... For Muffins: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Grease and flour muffin pan or use paper liners.  Mix sugar, oil, eggs. Add pumpkin and water. In separate bowl mix together the baking flour, baking soda, baking powder, spices and salt. Add wet mixture and stir in chocolate chips.  Fill muffin cups 2/3 full with batter. Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes. 3/4 cup white sugar 1/4 cup vegetable oil 2 eggs 3/4 cup canned pumpkin 1/4 cup water 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 teas. baking powder 1/2 teas. baking soda 1/4 teas. ground cloves 1/2 teas. ground cinnamon 1/4 t

intentionality pt.2

Intentionality pt.2!! Today I am going to do a more "dev thoughts" post talking about something I was reading recently... Today I am going to be talking about something I was reading about in the  Magnolia Journal  "in pursuit of wholeness" (the most recent issue) and it really stuck with me so without further ado lets get going... Today I will be talking about "kintsugi" (kint-soo-gee) which means "golden repair" or mending golden ceramics with gold, this art dates back to 15th-century Japan when artists and craftsman were looking for a more aesthetic way to mend broken ceramics," it involves using gold dust and resin or lacquer to mend the broken pieces.     Because all of our lives is neither broken or complete and there are spaces that need mending we can either attend immediately when we're in our busy, crazy lives and fill it with the immediate option, rubble, ash and stuff the will ultimately come back to hunt us. Or we can ta

intentionality pt.1

Hey guys welcome to the first post on this fun series. I am not sure how long this is going to go, there is probably an end to this somewhere, but it could go past fall into winter, or even further. because truth be told you need intentionality all the time. so lets get started, okay the first intentionality post is going to be pumpkin cookies, honestly the best thing ever!! I got these pumpkin cookies off of  @kristinmadeinc  and they are too good not to share, For Cookies: Preheat oven to 350 f. Mix butter until light and fluffy. Add sugar until combined. Mix in  spices (& baking powder & soda). Add egg and vanilla into sugar mixture. Slowly incorporate pumpkin. Add in flour mixing until all incorporated. Place onto cookie sheet in large globs.  Bake in oven for 10 to 12 minutes. Cool. Then transfer to wire rack and frost finished cookies. 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar  1 teas. baking powder  1 teas. baking soda 1/2 teas. salt  1 teas. cinnamon  1 teas. nutme

fresh spaces for a new season

Fall will be upon us in two days and I am so excited for all those fall feels but I am also excited for a couple new things I hope to do in this space, I am hoping to start two new series (my first ones) here on the blog, "Stories" where I will (hopefully) be highlighting eight people in their stories, and "Intentionality" which will just be once a week where I maybe will share new recipes, room decor, products, thoughts, or moments that are intentional for me and you. This isn't the only space I hope to make fresh, being intentional I have made a fresh space in my dot journal, in my room, and in other places that I will be sharing with you today. Almost as if you are tearing off a page in your to do list for the past season you can write a new one for now. This year for my dot/bullet journal I choose the theme of pumpkins, new growth for a new season if you will. I also incorporated cursive to represent the delicacies of life. I did a simple line calendar t

A Autumn What You Need

hey guys, I am back with a new post!! Fall is quickly approching and I am honestly so so happy because I love fall!! So in the past I have done a  Winter What You Need  a  Spring What You Need  and a Summer What You Need  ... And now it is time for an a-w-y-n otherwise know as an autumn-what-you-need, so I will be using the word autumn to tell you some things you should use in fall!! Anddddd here it is....... a mug of delish apple cider u nderstandably the most important nescessity is pumpkins t oo many flannels, sweaters, blankets, and fuzzy things u mmmm obviously lots and lots of candles m ore fall treats, cookies, cakes, and pies, definitely more pies n ot enough good books to read throughout the whole season before you leave I would love for you to send in requests for future fall blog posts... as they have been requested... you can do so in the sidebar. Joy Deveraux 🕊🌿

flourish in identity...

Hey y'all, remember #devtalktuesday well it's Tuesday and I have something to say soooooooooooo “The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭ASV‬‬ I came that I may have life and have it abundantly... Whoa. When we are SO caught up in being insecure or afraid or any other robbing emotion we miss out on the fact that Jesus GAVE us a womderful life to live to the FULLEST and the best part... Well God doesn't stop there, notice he keeps on going and saying AND MAY HAVE IT ABUNDANTLY I know I came on strong with the all caps but it's true. Face the facts -we were given a life from God. - he also asked us to live it abundantly - if we hid in fear we aren't living abundantly... So what can we do to stop living in fear and live our life like it's ours, to the fullest. We'll take time in the morning to pray and "fuel up" to face to day, if you

my birthday!!!

ahhh, the post that is LONG overdue, for a while now I have loved throwing all types of parties and so I thought that as I have a little bit of experience I will show you my party... enjoy there yall are,  deveraux...


just a little photo update...

what I am loving

HI peoples of the internet... you getting De Ja Vu yet??? Today I am going to tell you my favorite  music, books, podcasts, and TV shows or movies!!! Lets start with music... So I am loving "oceans" by coasts  "capsize" by frenship and Emily warren "silhouettes" by colony house BOOKS... The Pinderwicks (series) by Jennie Birdsall  The babysitters club by ann m. martin  PODCASTS... Sadie Robertson's "whoa thats good podcast" the "what we said podcast" and my very own... "hello dear podcast" LAST BUT NOT LEAST... TV SHOWS so you think you can dance h2o what I am loving from 2017 OR MOVIES hello dolly the princess switch charlie and the chocolate factory                       my past "what I am loving post"

2018 a year in review

2018 was a year... great, crazy, and overall lots of fun, here's my 2018 year in review better late then never... my 2016 year in review!! January: January 1st we spent at the skating rink, ring in the new year... January days spent with cames... February: we started February off at the plant nursery... you got to love a February book club march: my into the unknown (first podcast) photoshoot  April: pretzels for easter...  happy easter!!!! may: some sunflower fields in may...  another book club...................... beach days,  a birthday for a friend,  a may full of 40 library books... happy birthday mom, horseback riding for a birthday... June: a summer photoshoot... a wonderful spray of flowers... hula at church, when you love high school musical you have a party... a goodbye party for a dear f